“Telemedicine Health Advisory for Rural Zone (THAR)”: 1 Year Pilot Project
Recent Covid-19 pandemic had a devastating blow on rural health initiatives due to its effect on economy, transportation, and restrictions to flow of essentials. There was a major critical care infrastructure crisis, medications scarcity and health personnel shortage. Shut down caused major blockade of life saving materials including oxygen supply, ventilators, hospital equipment and protective gears. Mortality and morbidity had huge negative impact in overall nation’s recovery.
Since majority of healthcare centers especially tertiary centers are located in bigger cities, rural population could not travel to these centers due to prolonged lock-down. The healthcare disparities grew even more, and the gap widened for timely intervention for health initiatives for underserved population. There were more deaths in rural population in comparison to urban zone.
To bridge the disparity of healthcare delivery in rural population, our goal is provide free of cost- primary and secondary health care using telemedicine technology for the underserved at their doorstep. Using telemedicine technology, we are providing healthcare advisory consultations for all specialties including internal medicine, surgery, OBGN, orthopedics, neurology, gastroenterology and others except pediatrics. Our experts include doctors from all super specialties who are trained in esteemed institutions in India and abroad.
This rural zone outreach program intends to narrow the health disparity gap using cost effective approach and utilize locally available health facility resources and optimize healthcare, which in turn prevent patients from leaving their rural background.

Dr. Gautam Subbaiah
Global Health and Disparities (THAR)
He is Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine, College of Medicine, at the University of Florida. He is the director of Global health and disparities at the THAR project. His vast experience in infectious disease and global medicine is bringing a great trove of skills to make this program a success.
Dr. Gautam Subbaiah
THAR Project Overview
- No of Villages Covered: Total: 682
- Rural population in Mysore and Kodagu District Covered by THAR: 929,341 ( ̴ 1 Million)
- Patients seen per week: 600
- Patients seen in 1ST year: 30,000